Maurten Caffeine drink mix innihledur 100mg af Caffeine og 320mg af kaloríum í einum skammti sem blandað er saman við 500ml af vatni. Maurten er algjörlega hreint efni sem inniheldur engin auka litar eða bragðefni og því mjög hraðvirkt. Orkan af er tekin upp í gegnum þarmana og fer því framhjá magan og meltingunni og þessvegn fær maður ekki í magann af Maurten. Bara bestu hlaupararnir nota Maurten.
Í kassa eru 14 skammtar.
Caffeine, carbohydrates and hydration. Everything at the same time – and at levels that make a difference. The Drink Mix 320 Caf 100 has it all. By utilizing our hydrogel technology we’ve even managed to control the bitterness that caffeine usually results in – without any added acid, flavors or colorants. When mixing Drink Mix 320 Caf 100 with water you get a hydrogel sports drink containing a high concentration of carbohydrates and caffeine. The drink instantly converts to hydrogel in the acidity of the stomach. The hydrogel enables a smooth transportation of the drink through the stomach to the intestine where the water, salt, and carbohydrates are absorbed.
Contains 100 mg of caffeine.
Box of 14 servings.
Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans.